Next ASV mKurs in use

ASV mKurs is operated by Szczecin-based engineering and hydrographic company ‘MATPOL Inżynieria Hydrotechniczna’. In October, MATPOL representatives could be met in Gdańsk at the BALTEXPO fair, where they presented their capabilities of hydrographic surveying, including the capabilities related to the new equipment base.

Obrazek posiada pusty atrybut alt; plik o nazwie matpol-1024x558.jpg

ASV mKurs was built at the request of MATPOL as part of the project “Purchase of innovative equipment in the field of underwater works, research and hydrographic wsurveying”, co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021. The unit was delivered in an equipment version enabling integration with all models of multi-beam echosounders used by the ordering party, a remotely controlled, programmable SVP winch, computer equipment for platform control and measurement data acquisition, a launching trolley and a set of accessories.

Zespół pomiarowy firmy został przeszkolony z użycia platformy. Szkolenie obejmowało budowę USV, architekturę komunikacyjną i elektryczną, przygotowanie pojazdu do misji, mobilizacja urządzeń pomiarowych, manualne sterowanie USV, planowanie trasy, prowadzenie misji we wszystkich trybach łączności, kontrolę USV i MBES w oprogramowaniu zintegrowanym, obserwację i analiza sytuacji wokół jednostki, zasady bezpieczeństwa operatorów i sprzętu oraz czynności konserwacyjne. Uczestnicy uzyskali certyfikaty ukończenia kursu operatora bezzałogowego pojazdu nawodnego mKurs.

The team of surveyors has been trained in the use of the platform. The training included the theoretical knowledge about the construction of the USV, communication and electrical architecture, as well as practical training in preparation of the vehicle for the mission, mobilization of measuring devices, manual control of the USV, route planning, conducting the mission in all communication modes, USV and MBES control in the integrated software, observation and analysis of the situation around the vessel, safety rules for operators and maintenance activities. Participants received certificates of completion of the mKurs unmanned surface vessel operator training.

More information about MATPOL surveying activities on the company website: